Achieving Your Goals SEO, Site Speed and Loading Time
achieving your goals
A file at the root of your site that indicates those parts of your site you don’t want accessed by search engine crawlers. The file uses the Robots Exclusion Standard, which is a protocol with a small set of commands that can be used to indicate access to your site by section and by
specific kinds of web crawlers (such as mobile crawlers vs desktop crawlers).
A File where you can list the web pages of your site to tell Google and other search engines about your website content. Search engine web crawlers like Googlebot read this file to crawl your website more intelligently.

Search Analytics Report
How many Google searches show your site? The Search Analytics Report shows how often your site appears in Google search results. Filter and group data by categories such as search query, date, or device. Use the results to improve your site’s search performance, for example: See how your search trac changes over time, where it’s coming from, and what search queries are most likely to show your site. Learn which queries are made on smartphones, and use this to improve your mobile targeting. See which pages have the highest (and lowest) click-through rate from Google search results. Turn insights into action. Get stronger results across all your sites, apps, and online channels. Google Analytics Solutions getting analytics products for business of all sizes to better understand your customers.Affiliate Programs
One of the strongest tools out there for you is affiliation, which could be appliyed in many forms. Try contacting your suppliers for distributional discounts. Reach to another store owner to wholesale your product offering him handling time savings and customer support. promote a new store by letting it’s owner use all of your media and become his supplier.
the TanagiTeam LIKES it’s friends and always sends free gifts, just add an email address and see.
Instagram influencers
instagram influence

Have 1k Followers or more ?
You’ve probably noticed that Instagram has made some changes that have affected your growth, engagement and influenceit's time to use the account for promos, shoutouts and ads.
Though the numbers here play the biggest part of the game, with even just 1000 followers you can start seeing The affect and impact that engagements can have and let the next stage of utilizing your account astonish you!
Sure with time your account need to grow much higher but as a good starting point to start categorizing your audiance i found 1k followers as suffishent. after understanding the concept and embrasing management methods it will be much easier to set 100k followers as our next goal and 1M followers as a target.
Let us take care of that for you
Sign up your instagram account to this amazing platform to get invites and offers on a regular bases. we will present your account only to clients that are intersetead in paying you for ads and promos.
How to get top Instagram influencers with samples you can use
Step 1: Find Top Instagram Influencers In Your Niche
Search for popular Instagram accounts in your niche that may be interested in featuring your products to their followers. You can find these popular Instagram accounts by searching through Webstagram and Websta Hot. Just type the keywords you want to search for into the search bar to find the most popular Instagram users who include that keyword in their user name or bio along with the most popular hashtags for that search term. I did this for the pit bull niche. I typed “pit bulls” into the search bar and saw these results:

Step 2: Contact Instagram Influencers
After searching through Webstagram and Websta Hot, I made a spreadsheet of about twenty popular Instagram accounts. I chose people with over 1,000 followers who listed either their email address or website on their profile page, as that, to me, meant they were open to being contacted. Then, I drafted an email and sent it to those twenty people. And for any Instagram user I didn’t hear back from, I followed up a few days later. All in all, the process took about an hour to complete.Here is the exact email I sent:
Hi there, My name is Rachel, and I’m a big fan of your Instagram posts. You might be interested to know that I have an ecommerce store, [website name], that features a variety of dog breeds but especially pit bulls. I’m particularly proud of this [one of your products name] mug, and I wonder if you might accept if I pass along a sample of it? Or, if you browse our selection of [link to product category] and find something you like even more, then I’d be happy to send a sample of that instead! And if you like the item as much as I do, perhaps you’ll consider sharing it with your audience? Please let me know if there’s a business address for me to send a package to, and if you have any questions at all. Thanks so much! Best, Rachel You can use a modified version of this message to contact Instagram influencers who are relevant to your products’ niches.Here’s a template:
Hi [Instagram influencer’s name], My name is _______ , and I’m a big fan of your Instagram posts. You might be interested to know that I have an ecommerce store called _______ [your store’s name] that features a variety of _______ [items you sell] but especially _______ [top selling items]. I’m particularly proud of this _______ , and I wonder if you might accept if I pass along a sample of it? Or, if you browse our selection of _______ [your niche with link] items and find something you like even more, then I’d be happy to send a sample of that instead! And if you like the item as much as I do, perhaps you’ll consider sharing it with your audience? Please let me know if there’s a business address for me to send a package to, and if you have any questions at all. Thanks so much! Best, [your name]Step 3: Send Out Samples
If you get back positive results (ours are below), send out the samples that people request. We sent out mugs ($9.90 on Spoty Store for $4.95 + $4.95 shipping) and got them sent directly to the influencers. (If you’re in Low Hanging System, this is also covered in Step 7.)Here Were Our Responses
Of the twenty people I contacted and followed up with, six got back to me (three responded within twenty-four hours!). One person ended up being a competitor. One wasn’t interested. But the other four were positive responses and their accounts are hugely popular! User pitbullsofinstagram has 1.55 million followers, pitbull_advocate has 239K, xxldesignerpitbulls has 197K, and otterthepitbull has 15.7K.

To Recap:
Time spent: One hour Money spent: $39.60 (four mugs) ROI: Exposure to over 2,000,000 Instagram users 1 Cent per 500 ExposuresUpdates (So Far)
This post was initially published on April 26th. As of May 18th, we had another influencer respond affirmatively so we’ve now sent out 5 mugs. Of those 5, 1 person said they’d post but haven’t yet, 2 people haven’t confirmed they’ve gotten the mug, and 2 people posted. While it’s hard to completely track the sales on this, we’re still sitting pretty. Here are the posts people made:

Updated Recap:
Time spent: Around an hour Money spent: $49.5 (five mugs) ROI: 6 mug sales, other pit bull related sales, over 6,000 likes, and tons of exposure. The consensus remains: Not shabby. What do you think about this strategy of reaching out to Instagram influencers? I hope you found it useful! Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. Let's keep the conversation going!want to get more followers ?
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